WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (2/12) Strowman Sings The Blues, Who Will Go On To The Elimination Chamber?

Backstage, Reigns tells Rollins that he hopes he gets into the match so he can eliminate him just like he did at the Royal Rumble. Rollins laughs. Sheamus and Cesaro walk in and make fun of Rollins. Reigns makes fun of Cesaro’s teeth before basically telling Sheamus he is going to take care of him later tonight.

Backstage, Renee Young is with Titus Worldwide. Crews says he is going to win…

Backstage, Alexa Bliss walks up to Mickie James and says “hey partner”. James says she doesn’t know what Bliss is up to. Bliss says she asked to be her partner tonight so they can get revenge for last week. Bliss says she is jealous of the way James balances being a mother and a WWE Superstar. James says tonight they can be teammates but at the Chamber, James is coming for the Raw women’s title. Bliss is buttering the wrong biscuit… oh I see what she did there!

Mickie James and Alexa Bliss vs Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose w/ Paige

James floors Rose with a shoulder block. Dropkick by James for a near fall. Deville tags in and takes James down. James kicks Deville in the gut and tags in Bliss. Bliss and Jame shit a double back elbow. Bliss hits insult to injury. Choke push by Bliss. Bliss stands on Deville’s hair while bad mouthing her. James tags in and hits her rolling hurricanrana out of the corner. Thez press by James. Deville kicks James in the gut and tags in Rose. Rose puts James in an abdominal stretch. James escapes and hits a neck breaker. James tries to tag Bliss but Bliss gets takes off the apron by Deville. Rose hits Angel’s Wings for the win.

Winners- Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose

After the match, Deville and Rose beat down James. Bliss makes the save again.