WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (2/12) Strowman Sings The Blues, Who Will Go On To The Elimination Chamber?

Backstage, Bray Wyatt says no one deserves a second chance, not Rollins, not Crews, not Bálor, and especially not Hardy. They have no idea they are all being stalked by a shark. Wyatt will devour them all. When he wins the Chamber for the second year in a row, Wyatt will go on to WrestleMania and slay the beast. Wyatt will once again have the whole world in his hands.

Bayley vs Sasha Banks

Bayley rolls up Banks for a one count. Bayley goes for a backslide. Banks escapes. Bayley traps Banks in a la magistral cradle. Banks kicks out. Banks dropkicks Bayley. Bayley floors Banks with a shoulder block. Banks tries to lock in the Banks Statement but Bayley counters. Banks turns Bayley over and tries to get a pin with her knee but Bayley kicks out. Banks dumps Bayley out of the ring. Banks holds the ropes open for Bayley. When Bayley tries to get in the ring Banks knocks Bayley off the apron. Bayley gets in the ring. Banks sends Bayley shoulder-first into the ring post. After the break, Banks has Bayley in a straight jacket hold. Bayley gets to her feet.Bayley stomps on Banks foot to try to break the hold. Banks hits an armDT for a near fall. Banks sets up her corner double knees.

Bayley catches Banks but Bayley’s shoulder gives out. Banks mocks Bayley but ends up running into a lariat. Bayley and Banks trade strikes. Bayley hits a Thez press. Bayley sends Banks into the corner Bayley unloads on Banks. Side suplex followed by a second rope stunner by Bayley. Banks kicks out. Knee trembler by Bayley. Bayley misses a top rope elbow drop. Banks immediately locks in the Banks Statement. Bayley gets to the ropes but Banks puts her foot on the bottom rope. Bayley rolls Banks into face first into the middle turnbuckle. Bayley runs in and gets kicked in the face. Banks goes up top. Bayley follows. Banks knocks Bayley off the top. Before Banks can do anything Bayley pops back up to her feet, jumps to the top rope and hits the Bayley-to-Belly off the top for the win!

Winner- Bayley

After the match, Banks and Bayley stare at each other. Bayley pushes Banks out of the way and Nia Jax runs her over! Jax came out of nowhere. Jax drops them both with Samoan drops. One her way up the ramp, Charlie asks why Jax injected herself into something that has nothing to do with her. Jax says over the past two weeks Banks and Bayley took Asuka to her limit. Jax destroyed them both in second. At the Elimination Chamber Jax is going to do the same to Asuka.