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WZ Forum Files #17: What to do with Ronda Rousey?

From THTRobtaylor:

There’s an element of “be careful what you wish for…” in Ronda’s finally being part of the WWE and on a “full time” basis.

While at the start, that probably means she is “full-time” on training, if they start using her like Brock, sparingly then that can cause friction with the other women, who are just as important to making it work.

It’s interesting that there have been some, seemingly worked but you never quite know negative tweets from Nia and an interview from Sasha that if legit can only bring heat on her. Indeed, it could be seen that Nia’s walkout was linked to this too – if she heard from Dwayne it was on, then she might have asked herself “why bother?”.

It’s smart in a way because Ronda IS going to cause problems with all the women who got WWE to this point and each of them is going to want to put “their case” to be the one to face her in that first match. Stephanie having it in any way, even to hide limitations is a mistake. That first match needs to be the biggest womens match in WWE history.

I would do it like the Jericho/Angle/Benoit match – where BOTH Women’s titles are on the line in successive falls. Your participants would be Charlotte, Asuka, Alexa and Ronda.

Have Asuka win a fall and Ronda win one, setting the arc for the next year that is leading to them facing off title for title (in the Mania main event) harsh perhaps on Carmella but then she can cash in on Ronda, lose but she lost to Ronda… so it won’t kill her.

If Ronda has the SD belt, then it sets up matches with Natalya, Becky, Carmella and Naomi over the next year… if they move some folks around then those can change, but a run with Becky and Natalya, both of who are VERY experienced and have some training knowledge will only help Ronda learn. Carmella is green herself, but she’s there to be fed to Ronda in reality… it’s clear Asuka and Ronda are the dream ticket.

Nearer Mania, have her go into a one-on-one with Charlotte to get her ready for Asuka.

It’s perhaps harshest on Alexa, who hasn’t done much wrong but is now “out of the picture” realistically… if Ronda doesn’t take her title, Asuka will… and she won’t get it back from either.

They MUST avoid the mixed tag… be it Rocky or Braun or whoever, Trips and Steph will damage her rather than build her up and it’ll do no favors for Strowman.

Remember Ronda came off TWO big UFC losses, so she has to be booked like a beast out the gate, beating credible opponents… not Steph…and before you say “what if she pins Hunter…” no, just no.

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