WWE Smackdown Live Results (1/30) Huge Tag Team Main Event, Number One Contender Match Set For Next Week!

WWE Smackdown Live Results – 01/30/18WWE Smackdown Live Results
January 30th, 2018
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In Ring Segment: Shinsuke Nakamura

Nakamura grabs a mic and says at the Royal Rumble Sami Zayn? Knee to the face. John Cena? Knee to the face. Roman Reigns? Knee to face! At WrestleMania, AJ Styles? Knee-FACE. New WWE Champion. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn walk out. Owens tells the crowd to give it up for the winner of the 2018 Royal Rumble. Nakamura can point at the WrestleMania sign all he wants but Owens and Zayn were screwed out of their title. They should be standing here as the co-WWE Champions. Zayn says, “yep”. They were once again held back by the vendetta machine that is Shane McMahon. Zayn says the referee has one job: protect the integrity of the match. Owens’ passion coupled with the incompetence of the referee is the reason they aren’t champion. Owens says at WrestleMania Nakamura will be facing them for the title.

Nakamura tells Owens and Zayn that Styles is a winner and that they are losers. AJ Styles’ music hits and he walks down the ramp. Styles says Owens and Zayn can whine and complain all they want but at WrestleMania, the dream match of Styles vs Nakamura is happening. Styles tells Nakamura that they should turn this dream match into a dream tag team and face Owens and Zayn tonight. Owens and Zayn leave the ring. Zayn and Owens turn around and go back to the ring. Zayn asks Styles if he really wants this match. Owens and Zayn say “NOPE”. Nakamura and Styles both knock Owens and Zayn off the apron.


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