Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

1/27 NJPW New Beginning In Sapporo Results, Shocking End To Main Event, Okada Calls Out SANADA, Cody Loves Kenny, More

EIGHTH MATCH: CHAOS (“Switchblade” Jay White & Roppongi 3K) vs. The Elite (Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks)

Omega and White start the match. Jay White attacks Omega and stomps a mudhole in him in the corner. Omega ducks a clothesline and hits a huge running boot. Roppongi 3K and The Bucks exchange offense, with The Bucks winning out with stereo dropkicks. The Elite corner Yoh and beat him down. Omega and The Bucks attempt Rise of The Terminator but White counters. Sho & Yoh hit stereo dives on The Bucks.

In the ring, White hits a snap back suplex on Omega. White chokes Omega with his boot and then chops the chest of The Cleaner. Omega battles back but gets tripped up by Yoh. Jay White continues to dominate Omega and tags in 3K. They hit a Drop Toe Hold/Dropkick combo and then send The Bucks out of the ring. Omega hits a double Kotaro Crusher on Roppongi 3K. Bucks take out White and then Nick Jackson hits a Bulldog/Lariat on Roppongi 3K.

Bucks drop 3K Dropkick/Crossbody Running knee gets a nearfall. Bucks attempt Indytaker but get reversed. Sho sends Matt into Nick and then hits rolling German Suplexes on Matt. Omega tags in but gets a series of German Suplexes, which he reverses with a Snap Dragon Suplex. White tags in and eats a Snap Dragon Suplex. Triple Superkicks on Sho gets two. Buckle Bomb/Double Pele Kick from The Elite. The Bucks hit the Assisted 450 Splash for a nearfall.

Nick Jackson dodges a German Suplex from Sho and locks in a Sharpshooter but Jay White breaks it up. White hits Omega, Matt spears White, Roppongi 3K hit Nick Jackson with a Back Cracker/Running Knee. Omega hits V-Trigger on Sho. Omega attempts One Winged Angel, but White counters into Blade Runner but eats a Superkick instead. Yoh gets hit with stereo superkicks and then an assisted Indytaker for the pinfall.

WINNERS: The Elite.

Jay White attacked Omega after the match and hit Blade Runner.

MAIN EVENT: IWGP Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Minoru Suzuki

The two have a very hesitant test of strength, feeling each other out. Tanahashi pushes Suzuki to the ropes and they break. Another hesitant lock up and Suzuki gets the advantage. Tanahashi reverses into a headlock and grounds Minoru. Suzuki pushes back to his feet and Tanahashi breaks on the ropes.

Suzuki gets an aggressive waist lock, but Tanahashi counters with one of his own. Suzuki clutches Tanahashi’s arm, but Tanahashi fights out and tries to ground Suzuki, but Suzuki locks in a heel hook. Tanahashi gets to the ropes. Suzuki targets the leg, but Tanahashi rolls through into a calf lock. Tanahashi stomps the leg and works a hold again, but Suzuki grabs the hair in desperation. Tanahashi continues to target the leg, but Suzuki laughs at the punishment. Tanahashi locks in a Deathlock, putting crushing pressure on Suzuki’s knees. Tanahashi breaks and stomps Suzuki.

Back to his feet, Suzuki uses Tanahashi’s knee to control the Ace of New Japan. Tanahashi attempts a running clothesline but Suzuki turns it into an Armbar on the ropes for a four count. Tanahashi sends Suzuki into the guard rail but Suzuki responds in kind. Suzuki grabs a chair and hits Tanahashi in the abdomen and the across the back, breaking the chair. Red Shoes takes the chair from Suzuki, threatening disqualification. Suzuki continues the assault with kicks to Tanahashi’s chest.

Both men get back in the ring and Suzuki continues hacking away at Tanahashi with swift kicks. Tanahashi fights back, trading palm strikes with Suzuki. Suzuki locks in an armbar on Tanahashi. Tanahashi makes it to the ropes but Suzuki keeps the hold cinched for a four count.

Suzuki targets Tanahashi’s arm with more stiff kicks. Tanahashi taps into his fighting spirit and unleashes a flurry of uppercuts on Suzuki and then a running forearm. Tanahashi hits a somersault senton for two.

Tanahashi corners Suzuki and the two exchange strikes.Suzuki fights back and hits a snapmare, followed by swift kicks to Tanahashi’s back. Suzuki attempts a Penalty Kick but Tanahashi reverses with a Dragon Screw, but Suzuki fights out. The two exchange strikes, Suzuki laughing the whole time. Tanahashi hits a Dragon Screw. Tanahashi hits a downed Dragon Screw. Tanahashi hits a third Dragon Screw. Tanahashi locks in the Cloverleaf. Suzuki makes it to the ropes.

Tanahashi hits a rope-assisted Dragon Screw. Tanahashi runs the ropes but gets hit with a dropkick from Suzuki. Suzuki locks in the rear naked choke, Tanahashi reverses with an Armdrag. Suzuki locks in Front Chancery. Tanahashi hits a Neckbreaker, then a second, then a third.

Tanahashi hits Sling Blade. Tanahashi goes up top. Tanahashi hits High Fly Flow Crossbody, but Tanahashi landed on his hurt knee. Both men are down.

Suzuki counters High Fly Flow and then locks in a Heel Hook. Suzuki nearly twists Tanahashi’s foot all the way around. Tanahashi tries to roll out but it almost makes it worse. Tanahashi makes it to the ropes.

Suzuki locks in the Figure Four Leglock. Tanahashi spends ages in the hold but finally reverses the pressure. Suzuki rolls back and maintains the pressure. Tanahashi wails in agony as Suzuki manipulates his ankle while maintaining the Figure Four. Tanahashi reverses the pressure. Tanahashi makes it to the ropes.

Suzuki pummels Tanahashi’s chest and then locks in the rear naked choke. Tanahashi tries to power out but Suzuki knocks him out with the hold. Suzuki attempts the Gotch Piledriver but Tanahashi counters into the Cloverleaf. Suzuki counters into a Small Package for two. Tanahashi hits Sling Blade for two.

Tanahashi attempts a Dragon Suplex but Suzuki kicks Tanahashi’s knee. Tanahashi hits Suzuki with a barrage of strikes. He tries to run the ropes but his knee gives out. Suzuki hits a dropkick to Tanahashi’s knee and then locks in a heel hook. Suzuki continues to bend Tanahashi’s leg to horrifying angles. Tanahashi makes it to the ropes.

Suzuki kicks Tanahashi’s leg repeatedly. Suzuki hits numerous slaps and hits the Gotch Piledriver. Suzuki locks in a heel hook and transitions into a Figure Four Grapevine. Suzuki has almost twisted Tanahashi’s leg completely around. Tanahashi almost gets to the ropes but Suzuki pulls him back to the center and locks it in tighter. Red Shoes is pleading with Tanahashi to stop the match but Tanahashi vehemently refuses. Suzuki locks it in tighter and Red Shoes stops the match.


After the match, Tanahashi is stretchered out while Suzuki taunts him.

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