Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

1/27 NJPW New Beginning In Sapporo Results, Shocking End To Main Event, Okada Calls Out SANADA, Cody Loves Kenny, More

SIXTH MATCH: CHAOS (Will Ospreay & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito)

LIJ attack CHAOS before the bell and beat them down at ringside. Naito whips Yoshi-Hashi into the guardrail. Naito fights with Milano Collection AT and grabs the stick of Yoshi-Hashi. Naito whacks Yoshi-Hashi with his own stick. Naito tries to whip Yoshi-Hashi into the railing, but Yoshi-Hashi counters and Naito eats the steel. Yoshi-Hashi whips Naito into the ring.

Yoshi-Hashi floors Naito with chops to the chest and stomps away on a seated Naito. Ospreay tags in and hits a series of forearms that Naito responds to by spitting at The Aerial Assassin. Ospreay teases the dive, but gets attacked by Hiromu. Hiromu dominates Ospreay, while Naito drags Yoshi-Hashi into the crowd for a pummeling.

Back in the ring, Hiromu targets the leg of Ospreay. Hiromu sends Ospreay into Naito’s boot. Naito tags in and throws Ospreay into Hiromu’s boot. Ospreay fights to his feet and beats down both LIJ members, climaxing in a handspring Enziguri on Naito. Yoshi-Hashi tags in and drops Naito and Hiromu with his swift, running strikes. Yoshi-Hashi hits a big neckbreaker on Naito for two.

Yoshi-Hashi attempts to get Naito to his feet but Naito runs Yoshi-Hashi into the corner. Naito hits a running dropkick to Yoshi-Hashi. Hiromu tags in. Yoshi-Hashi counters a superkick with his own superkick. Ospreay tags in and exchanges chops and slaps and forearms with Hiromu. European Uppercut from Ospreay. Ospreay hits a 619, but misses a springboard attack and gets hit with a dropkick to the knee. Ospreay counters strike with an uppercut and floors Hiromu. Ospreay hits a Phoenix Press for two.

Hiromu and Ospreay exchange chops. Hiromu hits a Pop-up Powerbomb. Naito tags in and clears the apron. Naito drops Ospreay with an enziguri, followed by a neckbreaker for two.

Yoshi-Hashi breaks up a Destino attempt. Ospreay drops Naito and goes to the top rope, but Naito meets him and hits a top rope Hurricanrana but Ospreay lands on his feet. Ospreay hits the Robinson Special but Hiromu breaks up the Osscutter. Low blow, Superkick, and Naito rollsup Ospreay to get the pinfall.

WINNERS: Los Ingobernables de Japon.

After the match, Yoshi-Hashi attacked Naito until the Young Lions broke it up. Naito gets to his feet and goes after Yoshi-Hashi. A wild brawl ensues.

SEVENTH MATCH: CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada, Hirooki Goto & Gedo) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, EVIL & SANADA)

SANADA starts against Okada. The two circle each other and then lock up. The two toy with each other on the ropes and then engage in a breathtaking criss-cross/leapfrog/armdrag combo. Gedo tags in. BUSHI tags in. They lock up.

Gedo kicks BUSHI in the face and then pummels him. He runs to the ropes but eats a kick to the back from EVIL. All of CHAOS clears the apron and then poses after beating up BUSHI. BUSHI grabs Gedo’s beard but Gedo goes for BUSHI’s mask.

LIJ clears the apron, as BUSHI gets control of Gedo. Goto is thrown into the barricade by EVIL, as SANADA beats on Okada on the entry ramp. BUSHI chokes Gedo with a t-shirt.

SANADA tags in and gets a nearfall on Gedo and then traps him in the Paradise Lock. EVIL tags in SANADA drops Gedo with an elbow and EVIL hits a Senton for two.

EVIL attempts a Fisherman’s Buster but Gedo counters. Goto tags in and takes out EVIL and BUSHI. Goto clotheslines EVIL. Goto goes for Ushiguroshi but EVIL wriggles out and kicks Goto. Tornado lariat in the corner, followed by a bulldog from EVIL gets two.

SANADA and Goto trade strikes. Okada tags in and hits SANADA with a running chop block. Okada hits a running elbow to the corner. DDT gets two.

Okada goes for the Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker but SANADA counters out and hits a drop kick. SANADA goes for Skull End but Okada kicks out. SANADA goes for Skull End but Okada counters with a Rainmaker attempt, which SANADA blocks and drops Okada with a huge blow. Missile dropkick from BUSHI. BUSHI hits a Fisherman Neckbreaker for two.

Bushi and EVIL double team OKADA. BUSHI hits a backcracker but Goto breaks up the pinfall. BUSHI goes for the MX but OKADA counters. Goto counters Magic Killer from EVIL and SANADA. Goto hits Ushiguroshi, Okada locks BUSHI in the Cobra Hold and BUSHI submits.


After the match, Okada called out SANADA on the mic and held the IWGP Heavyweight Title high. Okada gave SANADA the mic but SANADA refused. Okada chased after SANADA and rammed his head into the ringpost. Okada throws SANADA into the ring, hits tombstone and then stuffs Okada dollars into SANADA’s mouth. Okada then locks SANADA in his Cobra Hold.

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