Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

1/27 NJPW New Beginning In Sapporo Results, Shocking End To Main Event, Okada Calls Out SANADA, Cody Loves Kenny, More

FOURTH MATCH: NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Champions Bullet Club (Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Bad Luck Fale) vs. Taguchi Japan (Ryusuke Taguchi, Toa Henare & Togi Makabe)

Tanga Loa destroys Taguchi sunglasses before the match starting, causing Taguchi to start the match with a flurry of strikes, but Loa is unmoved by all of it. Loa continues to counter the hip attack, but Taguchi drops Loa to his knees and then hits a dropkick. Taguchi then delivers a series of hip attacks to Tanga Loa. Tama Tonga tags in. Toa Henare tags in.

Tama drops Henare with a dropkick, as Tanga and Fale clear the apron. Tama continues to dominate Henare, as Bullet Club drags Taguchi Japan out to the crowd. Fale chokes Togi with a monitor cable. Tanga Loa tags in and chokes Henare on the ropes. Fale chokes Henare on the ropes. Tanga Loa hits two vertical suplexes followed by a jackhammer for two. Fale tags in and drops Henare. Fale continues to hammer his forearm into Henare. Fale chops Henare’s chest raw and then stomps the Young Lion while he’s down. Tama Tonga tags in and hits Henare with a vicious forearm in the corner. Fale tags in. Fale clears the apron, throws Henare into the corner, but misses a corner splash. Makabe tags in, clears the apron and then hits mounted punches on Fale in the corner. Fale tries to  hit a running strike on Makabe but gets hit with a hip attack from Taguchi. Makabe attempts to drop Fale with a lariat, but Fale stands tall. Fale counters another lariat attempt with a Samoan Drop. Tama tags in. Henare tags in. Tama misses a dropkick. Henare pummels Tama. Tama misses a running corner splash. Henare gets a near fall.

Taguchi Japan run the bases on Tama Tonga in the corner. Hip attack from Taguchi, Spear from Henare, but Bullet Club break up the pinfall at two. Tama dodges a Samoan Drop and hits a Samoan Flapjack for two. Tama locks in a modified Twister submission on Henare for the tapout.


FIFTH MATCH: Bullet Club (Marty Scurll, Hangman Page & Cody) vs. David Finlay, Juice Robinson & Kota Ibushi

Scurll and Finlay start, despite Cody and Kota teasing their feud at the top. Scurll gets the better of some chain wrestling, but Finlay counters with some dominant chain wrestling of his own. Scurll tries to flip out of a Hammerlock, but Finlay maintains the hold. Scurll elbows his way out of the clutch and tags in Cody. Kota tags in, and the injured Cody tags out.

Hangman Page talks trash but Kota ignores him. Headlock, whip, drop down, lots of flips, more flips, little more flipping, Ibushi hits a kick to the chest. Juice tags in and hits an assisted Axe Handle on Page. Page counters the Dusty punches but gets hit with a Spinebuster. Scurll tags in and Cody grabs Juice’s locks. Robinson fights out and drops Scurll. Juice fights Cody on the apron, climbs to the top and is dropped by a running knee from Scurll. Scurll hits a Superplex.

Cody tags in and stomps away on Juice. Cody corners Juice and tags in Hangman Page. Page hits Robinson with a flurry of forearms for a nearfall. Page corners Juice and tags in Scurll. Scurll and Cody hit a dual armbreaker. Juice hits Dusty punches on both men but Cody drops Juice, Scurll hits a dropkick and Page hits a Shooting Star Press for two.

Juice counters a running corner elbow and hits a Gut Check on Scurll. Cody tags in. Ibushi tags in. The aprons are clear, there’s nowhere for Cody to run. They trade forearms. Cody hits the Stardust counters, but Ibushi counters with a moonsault, that Cody counters with his knees. Ibushi hits a standing corkscrew moonsault for two. Finlay tags in. Page tags in. Both men trade suplex attempts. Page hits a huge knee on Finlay. Juice hits a clothesline on Page. Scurll takes out Juice. Ibushi takes out Scurll. Cody drops Ibushi. Cody teases a Golden Triangle.Kota counters a Doomsday Device and a Disaster Kick. Ibushi accidentally eats a kick from Robinson. Cody gets hit with a somersault clothesline. Finlay counters Rite of Passage into a nearfall. Page hits Rite of Passage on Finaly for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Bullet Club

After the match, Cody taunted Kota Ibushi. Cody says that Kenny Omega is the leader of Bullet Club and he “loves him.”

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