WWE RAW Results (1/8) The Miz Returns And Makes A Huge Statement, Braun Strowman Destroys Everyone!

Cruiserweight Championship Match: Enzo Amore (c) vs Cedric Alexander

Enzo retreats to the corner. Alexander decks Enzo. Enzo hits the mat like a sack of potatoes. Enzo rolls out of the ring and talks mess. Alexander chases Enzo around the ring. Enzo gets in the ring and eats a stiff kick to the face. Nia Jax is shown watching the match backstage. Alexander is on the second rope. Enzo pushes Alexander off the ropes. Alexander hits his back on the apron on the way down. After the break, Enzo has Alexander in a side headlock. Alexander trips Enzo into the corner. Alexander charges in and eats a boot. Enzo puts Alexander in a modified camel clutch.

Enzo lands a basement dropkick for a near fall. Enzo goes back to the headlock. Alexander drives Enzo into the corner. Enzo goes up top for the DDG but Alexander dropkicks him in midair. Alexander floors with a few strikes. Spinning back elbow by Alexander. Enzo is dazed. Alexander blast Enzo with a handspring head kick. Enzo somehow kicks out. Alexander goes for the Lumbar Check. Enzo escapes. Enzo is busted open. Enzo rolls out of the ring. Alexander hits a topé onto Enzo. Enzo is clutching his ankle. The doctors are checking on Enzo. Alexander gets into the ring as the referee is counting. Enzo decides not to bother and gets counted out.

Winner- Cedric Alexander