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NJPW New Year’s Dash Results (1/5): Jericho Strikes, New Six Man Tag Champs Crowned, LIJ vs. CHAOS, Kenny Omega Seeks Unity & MORE

FIFTH MATCH: BULLET CLUB (Cody, Yujiro Takahashi, Marty Scurll, Chase Owens & Leo Tonga) (w/ Brandi Rhodes) vs. Taguchi Japan (Ryusuke Taguchi, KUSHIDA, David Finlay, Kota Ibushi & Juice Robinson)

Robinson starts against Leo Tonga. Marty refuses to throw his shirt to a fan, so Taguchi Japan throw ALL of their shirts to the fans. Scurll then gives the shirt to a small child.

Robinson and Leo take turns beating on each other in the corner. Robinson tells Tonga to suck it and locks in a headlock. Robinson dodges punches and then dropkicks Leo into the corner. Running clothesline connects and Robinson tags in Taguchi. They hit stereo hip attacks on Leo for two.

Owens tags in and immediately dominates Taguchi with hip attacks, but eats a Funky Weapon hip attack from Taguchi. Robinson tags in and hits a hip attack. Then Finlay tags in and hits a hip attack. Then KUSHIDA. Then Ibushi brings all of Taguchi Japan in for a five-way dropkick.

Owens and Taguchi take it outside as the teams brawl. Rhodes tags in and keeps Taguchi grounded. Scurll tags in and beats on Taguchi, eventually hitting a running dropkick to Taguchi’s tailbone. Scurll hits an Atomic Drop. Takahashi tags in. KUSHIDA gets tagged in and the two Jr. Heavyweights go at it. KUSHIDA hits a cartwheel dropkick but Leo Tonga comes in. Handspring elbow doesn’t fell the big Tongan, but a low bridge takes him out of the ring. KUSHIDA locks Scurll into a Muta Lock after hitting Owens with a DDT, but Scurll tries to snap KUSHIDA’s fingers, but KUSHIDA fights back. Forearm fight ensues and Marty snaps KUSHIDA’s fingers.

Cody and Kota tag in and exchange rapid strikes, with Ibushi getting the best of it. Ibushi goes for a standing moonsault but Kota counters with a small package for two. Disaster Kick is dodged and Kota hits a Standing Shooting Star Press. Cody hits the Throat Thrust and Finlay tags in. Bullet Club hit a running strike train on Finlay. Owens hit a Bicycle kick and then a Disaster Kick but Taguchi Japan breaks up the pin. Five way brawl. Cody tries Cross Rhodes on Finlay but it’s countered with a Uranage Backbreaker for 2. Brandi gets involved in the match. Cody lock in an Indian Deathlock and Finlay taps.

WINNERS: Bullet Club

After the match Bullet Club beat up Taguchi Japan. Cody was especially vicious on Ibushi. Cody tries to hit Ibushi with a chair but Omega rushes in to protect his former tag partner. Shoving match between Cody & The Cleaner. The two stare each other down and exchange cross words. Omega tells Cody “I’m the leader” and Cody and BC backs off. Kenny gets a mic. Kenny says that Bullet Club “need[s] unity.”

Kenny proposes that Bullet Club need Switchblade Jay White to unify them!

Jay White comes out and Kenny says that White reminds him of a 2015 Kenny Omega. Omega gives White a Bullet Club shirt and White puts it on. Kenny welcomes him to “the club.”  They don’t two sweet anymore, they hug. White hits Blade Runner on Omega and says he’ll “make his own deals.” Jay White throws the shirt into the ring and exits Korakuen.

SIXTH MATCH: NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions CHAOS (Beretta, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano) vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa)

Beretta starts against Tama Tonga.Tama sneak attacks Beretta and then gets the better of the new Heavyweight with vicious strikes. Tama attempts a Gun Stun but Beretta reverses and gets in some vicious chops to the chest. Tama rolls out of the ring.

Yano tags in. Fale tags in. Fale drops Yano. Yano tries to get the turnbuckle pad off but Fale stops him. Fale gets in a fight with the referee that gives Yano time to smack him in the back of the head. Fale responds with a throw and then tags in Tama Tonga.

Tama controls Yano with stomps and kicks and then tags in Tanga Loa. Loa hits an Oklahoma slam on Yano for two. Fale tags in and gets a nearfall. Fale stomps away on Yano and hits a Splash but the pin is broken by Ishii. The BC Trio beats on Ishii and then Tama tags in to beat on Yano some more. Tama hits vicious elbows on a prone Yano. Tanga Loa tags in and hits a big knee drop for two.

Loa teases Yano by inching him near the Chaos corner but then flooring Yano’s teammates. Loa stays in firm control of Yano. Yano pulls Loa’s hair and Ishii gets the tag. Ishii has difficulty dropping Tanga Loa. The two exchanges stalemate shoulder blocks but Ishii eventually wins the showdown. Fale comes in  but Ishii is too quick for him. Ishii attempts the suplex but it doesn’t work, neither does his German Suplex attempt. Tanga Loa comes in and gets a nearfall.

Tama Tonga tags in and circles the fallen Ishii. He drags him to his feet and attempts a brainbuster, but Ishii attempts one of his own, after a reversal, Ishii hits a Suplex on Tama. Beretta tags in and beats on the son of Haku. Beretta hits an Enziguri and then a corner elbow. Beretta hits a dropkick. Yano and Ishii clear the apron and all three men hit corner elbows on Tama Tonga, with an added DDT from Beretta.

Tanga Loa comes in and fights off Ishii and Yano. All six men brawl in the ring, but Bullet Club gains the advantage. After triple teaming Beretta, Tama hits a DDT for two. Tama attempts a Gun Stun but Beretta reverses into a Dragon Suplex. All six men brawl again and Ishii hits a German Suplex on Fale. Everyone is down.

Tama hits Beretta with a headbutt but Beretta fights back. Tama and Tanga hit Guerrilla Warfare but don’t cover. Tanga and Tama climbs to opposite turnbuckles. Tanga Loa misses a splash. Beretta hits a Super Belly to Belly. Gobstopper is reversed into a Gun Stun that is reversed into a backslide into a Dudebuster that is reversed into a Gun Stun for the pin.