Photo Credit: Reby Hardy

WZ Forum Files #2: Will ‘Woken’ Matt Hardy Be A Success In WWE?


From Fire Marshall Bill:

I never got to see Broken Matt Hardy on Impact because I didn’t get the channel they were on by that point. That said, by all accounts from what I heard, it seemed to be one of those “so bad, it’s good” kinds of things. From what I saw this past Monday, that holds true. But things like that tend to thrive in professional wrestling when they’re done right.

I’m not sure on his first program being with Bray Wyatt though. WWE has shown in the past they have no idea how to handle his character. And the back and forth promo thing they did Monday didn’t help. I also see a lot of people thinking they’ll join forces which doesn’t make sense to me at all. Supposedly Matt Hardy has a lot of freedom with this character, and I think teaming him with another character that’s almost as far out there as him would only hamstring him. If Brother Nero worked well with him in Impact, what makes you think such a vastly different character would also? For now, let him be himself.

I am certainly intrigued.

From Барбоса:

It is fantastically silly; a throwback to early/mid 90s gimmicks while still having some anchor in ‘reality’ in that Matt has lost the plot rather than actually being some kind of deity.

It also provides for fantastic lines like calling Bray “the consumer of terrestrial entities.”

And dare I say that Bray could be an interesting Woken disciple…

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