WWE RAW Results (11/27) Reigns Defends Against Elias, Strowman Returns, And More!

Backstage, Jason Jordan tells Kurt Angle that it’s a shame that Kane hurt Brun Strowman. Jordan wanted to have a rematch with Strowman tonight. Angle asks Jordan if he is ready to compete. Jordan says everyone has been questioning his knee injury. They think he was just trying to get out of his match with Strowman. Angle says that isn’t what he was trying to say. Jordan says he wants Kane tonight. That will prove he is 100%. Angle books the match.

Akira Tozawa vs Rich Swann vs Noam Dar vs Ariya Daivari

Dar and Daivari beat down Tozawa and Swann. Tozawa sends Dar over the top rope. Swann dispatches Daivari. Tozawa and Swann battle. Tozawa ends up on the apron. Dar tries to sweep Tozawa’s leg. Tozawa avoids it and kicks Dar in the face. Daivari pulls Tozawa off the apron. Swann dives over the top rope and takes everyone out. Swann blasts Dar with a dropkick. Swann goes for rolling thunder but Daivari runs into the ring, catches Swann in midair and spine busters Swann. Daivari and Dar tag team Tozawa and Swann. Dar and Daivari suplex Swann out on the floor. Tozawa kicks Dar in the head, then sentons Daivari.

Tozawa is on the top rope. Dar and Daivari set up a double top rope suplex. Swann joins in and takes everyone over with the tower of doom. Swann tries to pin Tozawa but Tozawa kicks out. Swann tries to go for the Phoenix Splash but Dar crotches him on the top rope. Tozawa kicks Dar off the apron, then his a suicide dive on him. Daivari hits a frog splash on Swann. Swann kicks out. Tozawa shining wizards Daivari. Tozawa lands the top rope senton. Dar sends Tozawa into the ring post. Dar tries to pin Tozawa but Swann pulls Tozawa out of the ring. Swann kicks Dar in the head then hits the Phoenix Splash for the win.

Winner- Rich Swann