WWE RAW Results (11/27) Reigns Defends Against Elias, Strowman Returns, And More!

In Ring Segment: Bray Wyatt

Wyatt says he didn’t have a childhood and never celebrated holidays. Wyatt never cared about any of that. The WWE Universe does though. Our world exists in a cardboard box. They tell us who to love and who to be. We are all pathetic. Wyatt says he tried so hard. We never listened when he tried to show us the way. Our suffering brings him joy. Wyatt’s eyes are wide open. Wyatt can finally see us for who we are. None of us are alive. We are all dead. Wyatt laughs and laughs… for some reason. Wyatt repeats that we are all dead over and over again.

Bray Wyatt vs Matt Hardy

The match started during the commercial break. Wyatt pounds on Hardy. Wyatt floors Hardy with a flying crossbody block. Wyatt crushes Hardy in the corner. Wyatt misses a running senton. Hardy lands a few punches. Clothesline in the corner by Hardy. Running bulldog by Hardy. Hardy goes up to the second rope. Wyatt catches Hardy and tries a uranage. Hardy elbows Wyatt in the back of the head and hits the side effect. Hardy sets up the Twist of Fate. Wyatt avoids it. Clothesline by Hardy. Hardy misses a top rope moonsault. Wyatt does the spider crawl then hits Sister Abigail for the win.

Winner- Bray Wyatt

After the Match, Hardy is sitting in the corner writhing in pain. Hardy starts doing the delete taunt. Cole remarks that we may be witnessing a Matt Hardy breakdown…