WWE RAW Results (11/27) Reigns Defends Against Elias, Strowman Returns, And More!

Seth Rollins vs Cesaro

Cesaro locks in a top wrist lock. Rollins drops to a knee. Rollins flips out of it and applies his own wristlock. Cesaro fells Rollins with a clothesline. Crossbody by Rollins. Rollins lays in stiff rights and lefts. Cesaro stumbles into the corner. Rollins stomps Cesaro out. Cesaro forces Rollins into the corner. Cesaro manages to suplex Rollins on to the top rope. After the break, Cesaro has Rollins in an abdominal stretch. Rollins tries to struggle out of the hold. Cesaro levels Rollins with a knee to the gut. Rollins kicks out. Cesaro sends Rollins into the corner. Cesaro drives his shoulder into Rollins’ gut. Cesaro sets up a top rope avalanche gut wrench suplex. Rollins fights out of it and knocks Cesaro off the top. Rollins dives off the top rope but Cesaro catches him in midair. Cesaro spins Rollins into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Cesaro tries another abdominal stretch but Rollins reverses it into one of his own. Cesaro immediately hip tosses Rollins off. Rollins hits a blockbuster off the top for a near fall. Ceasro backdrops Rollins over the top rope. Rollins lands on the apron. Cesaro tries to shoulder block Rollins through the ropes but Rollin leaps over Cesaro and leg drops the back of his head. Cesaro falls to the outside. Rollins blasts Cesaro with a suicide dive. After another break. Rollins hits the falcon arrow. Cesaro once again gets his shoulder off the mat to avoid the three count. Cesaro tries to whip Rollins into the referee. Rollins puts on the breaks. As the referee’s view is obstructed Cesaro pokes Rollins in the eye. Cesaro rolls up Rollins but Rollins kicks out. Cesaro swing into the Sharpshooter! Rollins slowly gets to the ropes. Cesaro tries the Neutralizer. Rollins counters and superkicks Cesaro. Cesaro will not stay down for the three count! Cesaro bounces off the ropes for a springboard European uppercut but Rollins superkicks Cesaro out of the air. Ripcord Vtrigger Knee by Rollins. Cesaro is done.

Winner- Seth Rollins

After the match, Charley asks Rollins if Reigns being IC Champ, and Ambrose not being here tonight means the Shield are going their separate ways. Rollins makes a stupid joke about Ambrose and Renee Young’s honeymoon. Rollins says the Shield is stronger than ever and soon they will all have titles. Rollins is officially invoking their rematch clause for a shot at the tag team titles.
