survivor series

WWE Survivor Series Results (11/19) Raw Battles Smackdown, Triple H Proves He Is Still The Cerebral Assassin, Strowman Makes His Mark!

Backstage, Heyman says AJ Styles is phenomenal… until the bell rings and Styles realizes he is in for a fight with The Beast. Styles is going to regret that he beat Jinder Mahal.

Raw Tag Team Champions Sheamus and Cesaro vs Smackdown Tag Team Champions The Usos

Jimmy and Sheamus lock up. Sheamus manages to put Jimmy in a side headlock. Jimmy hits the ropes and Sheamus floors him with a shoulder block. Jimmy tags in Jey, who splashes Sheamus. The Usos stomp Sheamus in the corner (corner stomping seems to be a theme tonight). Sheamus tags in Cesaro, who decks Jey with a straight right hand. Deep arm drag by Jimmy. Jimmy and Jey take turns beating down Cesaro. Jey sets up for a dive but Cesaro catches him with a European uppercut. Jimmy suicide dives onto Cesaro. Sheamus picks up Jimmy and rolling sentons him on the floor. Sheamus goes up top and clotheslines Jimmy. Double strike in the corner by Sheamus and Cesaro. Leaping knee by Sheamus. Irish Curse backbreaker by Sheamus. Jimmy kicks out. Sheamus puts Jimmy in a rear chin lock. Jimmy chin breakers Sheamus. Cesaro knocks Jey off the apron. Jimmy gets to the corner but there is no one to tag. Sheamus flapjacks Jimmy into a European uppercut by Cesaro.

Sheamus tries to suplex Jimmy but Jimmy manages to hit a corkscrew press off the top. Jimmy tags in Jey, who clears the ring. Jey misses a running hip attack. Cesaro levels Jey with a European uppercut. Jey back body drops Cesaro into the corner.  Running hip attack by Jey for a near fall. After a distraction, Jey superkicks Cesaro. Cesaro kicks out. Jey goes up top. On the outside, Sheamus sends Jimmy into the barricade. Cesaro European uppercuts Jey. Sheamus pulls Jey’s leg. Cesaro swings Jey, then puts him in the Sharpshooter. Jimmy tries to break it up but he eats a Brogue Kick. Jey gets to the ropes. Sheamus knees Jey in the head, then Cesaro hits a sick lariat for a near fall. The Bar hits their finish but Jimmy breaks up the pin. The Bar sends Jimmy Uso into the middle rope. Cesaro picks Jey up in a powerbomb. Sheamus goes up top. Jey grabs Sheamus while he is on Cesaro’s shoulders and Samoan drops Sheamus! Jimmy superkicks Cesaro. Sheamus kicks out. Jey manages to tag in Jimmy. The Usos try to superkick Sheamus but Cesaro pushes him out of the way and eats a double superkick. Jey and Jimmy superkick Sheamus over and over again. The Usos meet in the middle. Sheamus is down. Jey dives over the top rope and tags in his brother at the same time. Jimmy hits the top rope splash for the win!

Winners- The Usos

Raw 2- Smackdown 2

Backstage Jason Jordan says he hopes Triple H gets eliminated… and Then Team Raw wins.


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