NXT Takeover War Games

WWE NXT Takeover War Games Results (11/18) New Champions Crowned, Who Survived War Games?

Akam and Rezar set up two tables. For some reason Wolfe saves Cole. Cole climbs to the top of the cage. Wolfe German suplexes Rezar off the top through the tables. Akam has a hold of Cole but Young springboard neckbreakers Akam. Wolfe is busted open. Dain turns O’Reilly inside out with a clothesline. Dain sets a trash can in front of O’Reilly. Dain Van-Terminators O’Reilly… yes, you read that correctly. Cole is still on top of the cage. Strong climbs the cage. Strong and Cole fight on top of the cage. Strong suplexes Cole off the top onto everyone! Strong rolls over for the cover. Cole kicks out! DEain and Akam fight in between the rings. The AoP hit the Last Chapter! O’Reilly jumps on Rezar’s back and slaps on a sleeper. O’Reilly and Fish hit there version of Total Elimination on Rezar. Young and Wolfe hit their finish on Fish. Strong hits the G4 on Wolfe. Strong tosses Cole face first into the cage. Young wheelbarrow suplexes Strong into the cage. Cole hits Young in the head with a kendo stick. Cole hits a slding knee with a chair on Young for the win.

Winners- The Undisputed Era

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