NXT Takeover War Games

WWE NXT Takeover War Games Results (11/18) New Champions Crowned, Who Survived War Games?

Aleister Black vs The Velveteen Dream

Dream takes off his chaps to reveal that he has himself and Black painted on his tights, Rick Rude style. The crowd starts to chant “Velveteen Dream!” Dream yells at Black that they all know his name. Black and Dream lock up. Neither can get an advantage. Dream tries to slap Black in the face. Black takes Dream over with a deep arm drag. Black starts to work a wrist lock. Dream reverses into a chin lock. Black counters into a hammerlock. Black and Dream trade submissions. Black locks Dream into a front face lock. Dream forces Black into the ropes to force the break. Dream whips Black into the ropes. Black locks Dream into a modified octopus hold. Dream almost gets to the rope but Black takes him over into a pin. Dream kicks out. Black corks back to level Dream with a punch but Dream ducks and covers up. Black leers at Dream before locking in a shoulder bar. Dream elbows Black in the face. Black dumps Dream over the top rope.

Black sets up a dive but he does a backflip off the middle ropes and lands in a seated position. Dream slides in the ring stands in front of Black and does the Rick Rude hips swivel. Dream drops down and sits right in front of Black. Black pops up and does the Dream crawl. Dream looks mortified. Dream is not the only person who can play mind games. After another pin attempts by Black, Dream blast Black with a lariat. Black falls to the outside. Dream sets up a dive and mocks the way Black fake dived earlier. Dream picks up Black for the Death Valley Bomb. Black escapes and pushes Dream into the ropes. Dream superkicks Black’s head clean off his shoulders. Black somehow manages to kick out. Rude Awakening by Dream. Black kicks out again. Dream locks Black in a camel clutch. Dream yells at Black to say his name.
