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NJPW Power Struggle Results: New Champion Crowned, Former WWE Champion Challenges Omega & More

EIGTH MATCH: IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship Match: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Beretta.

Kenny Omega was intent on testing the limits of Beretta. Every single move, and there were lots, had an extra bit of fire behind them. Kenny seemed intent on breaking Beretta’s back.

The Cleaner found a table on the outside and suplexed Beretta onto the edge of it before hitting a running Double Stomp through the table onto Beretta, causing Beretta to barely meet a 19-count. Beretta kicked out of every single big move that Omega has in his arsenal but eventually fell to the One-Winged Angel in a valiant effort.


After the match, Omega said he’s beaten everyone. Then CHRIS JERICHO came on the screen and challenged The Cleaner to an “Alpha vs. Omega” battle for the IWGP United States Championship at Wrestle Kingdom and Kenny accepted.

MAIN EVENT: IWGP Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs. Kota Ibushi.

The elder Tanahashi used his strength and experience advantage to keep the young Golden Star at bay for the majority of the match’s opening. Ibushi soon uses his kicks and his fearless offense to beat Tanahashi out of the ring. Ibushi hits a Golden Star. After a series of offense, Tanahashi hits a Golden Star High Fly Flow to the outside.

These two men traded kicks, suplexes, powerbombs and other bone-shaking attacks for nearly half an hour. It got to the point where Ibushi had Tanahashi ready for a powerbomb, but lost feeling in his arm and had to drop the Ace of New Japan. It was here that Tanahashi began his comeback. Tanahashi hit Ibushi with every move that he’s ever used in big matches and finally hits the High Fly Flow to retain and end a night of superb in-ring action. At the next available moment, seek out this show.


After the match, both men shook hands, hugged, cried, and then Tanahashi cut a promo and played air guitar to send the crowd home happy. AND THEN JAY WHITE DEBUTED AS SWITCHBLADE AND CHALLENGED AND ATTACKED TANAHASHI.

