WWE NXT Results (11/01) SAnity Defends The NXT Tag Titles Against The AoP, War Games Announced, More!

Backstage, Drew McIntyre signs the contract for his match against Andrade “Cien” Almas.

Earlier today, The Street Profits are gushing over a Maserati they found in the parking lot. Sabbotelli and Moss walk up and tell the Profits to get away from their car.

As Drew McIntyre is walking to the ring, Almas attacks him from behind. Vega picks up the contract and gives it to Almas to sign. After Almas signs, Almas takes Vega’s gum out of her mouth and uses it to stick the contract to McIntyre.

Backstage, Peyton Royce and Billie Kay are complaining about Kay not being in the fatal four-way. Royce and Kay make fun of Kari Sane. Sane walks up to Kay and makes an elbow drop motion to her. Kay and Royce look terrified… and they should be.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: SAnity (c) vs The Authors of Pain

Young chops Akam. Akam picks up Young and drives him into the AoP’s corner. Young drives Rezar into SAnity’s corner. Wolfe tags in and Wolfe and Young hit a tandem backbreaker/knee drop combo. Wolfe blast Rezar with a running European uppercut. Wolfe misses a big boot. Akam DVDs Wolfe into the corner. Akam and Rezar pound on Wolfe in the corner. Akam locks in a rear chin lock. After the break, Rezar is working a guillotine. Wolfe drops to his knees. Wolfe manages to get back to his feet but Rezar picks him up and the AoP hit a sidewalk slam with a foot stomp for a near fall. Rezar hits the ropes. Wolfe catches Rezar with a big boot. Young tags in and clears the ring. Jumping neck breaker by Young. Young goes up top. Rezar gets back in the ring but Wolfe grabs him from behind. Wolfe obliterates Rezar with a German suplex. Young hits a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Wolfe floors Akam with a clothesline off the top. Young and Wolfe hit their finish but Rezar breaks up the pin. Akam destroys Young with a clothesline. The AoP hit the Super Collider, then the Last Chapter. Before AoP can get the pin, The Undisputed Era hit the ring and attack everyone.

Winners (by DQ): The Authors of Pain

Afte the match, Killian Dain tries to save his partners but is quickly dispatched by The Undisputed Era. Roderick Strgon walks down to the ring. Strong puts on the Undisputed Era armband. Cole, Fish, and O’ Reilly celebrate. Strong attacks Cole. The AoP and Strong clear the ring. William Regal walks out on the ramp and says we will have order. At NXT Take Over: Houston The AoP and Rodrick Strong will face The Undisputed Era and SAnity in War Games!

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