WWE RAW Results (10/30) Stephanie McMahon Rips Kurt Angle, Alexa Bliss Defends, Braun Strowman Destroys!

In Ring Segment: Samoa Joe

Joe says judging by the reaction as he walked to the ring the WWE Universe missed him. Joe finds that hilarious because he didn’t miss any of them. Joe says he is going to use the WWE Universe’s disrespect as fuel. As he is beating the hell out of his opponent he is going to picture that he is every single member of the WWE Universe.

Apollo Crews w/Titus O’Neil vs Samoa Joe

Joe forces Crews into the corner and lays in a flurry of punches, kicks, and chops. Joe runs over Crews. Joe hits the ropes but Crews leapfrogs him then hits a dropkick. Crews kicks Joe in the gut but runs right into a sick power slam by Joe. Crews kicks out. Joe lands a running back elbow followed by a falling enziguri. Crews lands two enziguris. Crews picks up Joe for the Atomic Bomb but Joe counters. Joe obliterates Crews with a uranage suplex. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch. Crews has no choice but to tap out.

Winner- Samoa Joe

After the match, Joe puts O’Neil in the Coquina Clutch.



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