GFW Impact Results (10/26) Moose Takes On Bobby Lashley, Final Hype For Bound For Glory!

oVe says they need to bring their family to fight LAX’s family. We just see an arm… the hand does thumbs down.

Backstage, Drake says he is too busy for this interview.

Laurel Van Ness is drinking in the crowd for some reason…

We are back in Canada for the next match.

Petey Williams vs. Tarik vs. Keomia vs Idris Abraham

Tarik and Abraham team up to beat down Williams. Tarik and Abraham turn on each other. Williams dropkicks Abraham in the back. Williams stands on Abraham’s balls. Williams sets up the Canadian Destroyer but Abraham breaks it up. Williams suicide dives onto Keomia. Head scissors into a Russian leg sweep by Williams. Detonation kick by Tarik on Keomia. Everyone kicks everyone. Williams finally hits the Canadian Destroyer on Tarik for the win.

Winner- Petey Williams

Johnny Impact and Garza Jr. vs Eli Drake and Chris Adonis 

Adonis pushes Garza Jr to the mat. Garza Jr. takes off his shirt and blast Adonis with a kick combo. Impact tags in. Impact and Garza Jr. dropkick Adonis. Drake attacks Impact from behind. Adonis and Drake take turns beating down Impact. Impact finally manages to tag in Garza Jr. Garza clears the ring. Drake steps up to Garza but Garza rips his pants off and superkicks Drake. Adonis breaks up the pin. Garza Jr and Impact double moonsault Drake. Garza goes up top but Adonis distracts him long enough for Drake to leap up top and superplex Garza Jr. down to the mat.



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