WWE NXT Results (9/20) Aleister Black Speaks, Huge Tag Team Main Event, And More!

Tyler Bate and Trent Seven vs Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly w/Adam Cole

O’Reilly and Bate lock up. O’Reilly locks in an armbar. Bates counters and floors O’Reilly with a dropkick. Seven tags in. Bate dives off Seven’s shoulders and hits a senton on O’Reilly. O’Reilly tags in Fish, but Fish is sent to the outside. Seven calls for a dive but O’Reilly gets on the apron to stop it. Fish attacks Seven from behind. Clinching knees by Fish. Outside to inside senton by Fish for a near fall. Fish tags in O’Reilly. Double suplex by the ROH alumn. O’Reilly gets a two count. Fish and O’Reilly double arm breaker Seven. Fish and O’Reilly both kick Seven in the chest. Seven fires up and lands a few chops. Fish tries to duck one of the chops. Seven grabs Fish and DDTs the crap out of him. O’Reilly knocks Bate off the apron to stop the tag. O’Reilly seated palm strikes Seven. O’Reilly tries to lock in the cross arm breaker. Seven escapes and is kicked to the outside. Cole gets on the apron and distracts the referee. Fish spears Seven into the barricade on the outside. After a short break, Fish lifts Seven up in a fireman’s carry but Seven reverses it. Seven obliterates Fish with a Rain Maker Lariat.

Seven tags in Bate. Bate takes O’Reilly out with a top rope back elbow. Bate tries to deadlift German suplex O’Reilly. O’Reilly counters and sends Bate into the corner. O’Reilly charges at Bate but Bate catches O’Reilly in midair. Bate tosses O’Reilly across the ring with a huge suplex. Bate follows that up with a running shooting star press Seven sends Fish to the outside. Seven and Bate blast O’Reilly with a powerbomb/neck breaker combo. O’Reilly kicks out. Seven lays out Fish with a suicide dive. Bate sets up the Tyler Driver ’98. O’Reilly reverses it into a guillotine. Bate almost counters into a suplex. Fish breaks it up. O’Reilly and Fish hit Chasing the Dragon on Bate. Bate gets his foot on the rope to break the pin. Seven hits the ring and lays everyone out with chops. Seven tries a dragon suplex but O’Reilly counters it into a cross arm breaker. Seven reverses that into a single leg crab. Fish kicks Seven in the back of the head. Cole superkicks Bate on the floor. Fish and O’Reilly hit their version of Total Elimination for the win.

Winners- Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly

After the match, Drew McIntyre hits the ring. Fish, Cole, and O’Reilly take a powder. SAnity appears behind them. As soon as Cole and his crew realize its too late. SAnity attacks Fish, Cole, and O’Reilly.

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