WWE Smackdown Results (9/12): Mr. McMahon Returns, 3 Big Championship Matches, Sin City Street Fight & More

United States Championship Match
AJ Styles (c) vs. Tye Dillinger

It’s the Phenomenal ONE versus the Perfect TEN as the challenger goes right after Styles like a bat out of hell to get our first match of the evening started. Dillinger storms the champion and delivers wild rights and lefts before connecting with a standing dropkick to send him to the floor. During the commercial break Tye slowed things down with a side headlock, throwing elbows to the back to work over his opponent. Styles tried to fight back but was caught with two big knee drops before getting put back in a rest hold. Eventually the champ found some momentum and went for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Baron Corbin ran down and ate the move on the apron instead. AJ got caught looking and Dillinger immediately rolled him up for two, then connected with the Tye Breaker for an extremely close nearfall. He tried to go to the well a second time, but Styles rolled him into the Calf Crusher and he was forced to submit.

Winner and Still Champion: AJ Styles

After the match Dillinger hobbled to his feet, selling the effects of the Calf Crusher, and the two fighters shook hands. Baron Corbin dragged the champion to the floor and brutally threw him over the barricade into a cluster of fans. Tye tried to make the save but Corbin went after his weakened knee and threw him into the post, then laid out Styles with the End of Days on the floor. He grabbed a microphone and announced that next week, he was answering the United States Championship Open Challenge.