WWE SummerSlam Results (8/20): New Champions Crowned, Did Lesnar Survive With the Universal Title?

Bliss shoulder blocks Banks in the corner. Bliss tries to lock in another top rope choke. Banks counters and slams Bliss to the mat. Sliding knee by Banks. Banks and Bliss are both out on the mat. Banks fires up. After a few punches and clotheslines Banks Regal cutters Bliss for a near fall. Bliss tries a neck breaker but Banks fights it off. Bliss drives Bank’s face into her knee. Bliss tries another choke push but Banks kicks her in the head. Bliss tries a sunset flip off the second rope. Banks holds Bliss up and drives her head first into the turnbuckle. Double knees by Banks. Bliss tries to DDT Banks. Banks turns it into the Banks Statement. Bliss gets to the ropes. Bliss rolls out of the ring.

Banks rolls out to the apron. Bliss yanks the ring skirt which causes Banks to fall off the apron. Bliss brings Banks back into the ring just to throw her back to the outside. Banks hits the mat hard. Banks is clutching her shoulder. Banks is almost counted out. Bliss works over Banks’ shoulder. Bliss hits the Twisted Bliss but Banks kicks out. Bliss tries to pick Banks up off the mat but Banks locks in the Banks Statement. Bliss rolls into a pin. Banks kicks out and rolls back into the Banks Statement. Bliss taps out!

Winner and NEW Raw Women’s Champion, Sasha Banks!