WWE NXT Results (8/2) Johnny Gargano Returns, Moon and Asuka Go Face-To-Face, Kyle O’Reilly Takes on Aleister Black!

After another break, Black screams for O’Reilly to hit him. Black kicks O’Reilly so hard he ends up slumped over in the corner. Snap suplex followed by a running knee drop by Black. O’Reilly kicks out. O’Reilly rolls out to the apron. Black tries to grab him, but O’Reilly snaps Black’s arm on the top rope. O’Reilly puts Black in a top wrist lock. Black tries to fight out of it but O’Reilly takes Black down to the mat. Black gets to his feet. Black boots O’Reilly in the face. Multiple kicks by Black. Springboard moonsault by Black. Black picks up O’Reilly with his foot for the Black Mass. O’Reilly grabs Blacks foot and locks in a standing ankle lock. Black kicks O’Reilly and attempts another spring board. O’Reilly kicks Blacks foot off the rope. Black hits the mat with an audible thud. Axe kick/forearm combo but O’Reilly. Black kicks out. O’Reilly tries a suplex but Black avoids it. O’Reilly misses another axe kick. O’Reilly and Black kick each other in the face. Black misses a running knee. O’Reilly blast Black with a high knee to the chin. Axe kick by O’Reilly. O’Reilly charges up for another forearm. Black catches O’Reilly with the Black Mass before O’Reilly can strike. It’s over.

Winner- Aleister Black

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