WWE 205 Live Results (6/20): Rich Swann Get Neville in a Non-Title Match, Austin Aries Finds Himself an Ally, Gallagher vs Nese

Jack Gallagher is walking backstage upset after losing to Tony Nese earlier in the night. Austin Aries approaches him, eating a banana, and talks about how he tried to go down the same road and do the right thing, but neither of them have had a lot of success taking the Gentlemen’s way lately. He suggests they both be a little more like TJ Perkins and Neville, but Jack isn’t very excited about the idea. Aries suggests they form a partnership, and although he’s not quite sure, Gallagher shakes his hand.

TJ Perkins confronts Neville backstage about what happened between them, and their match last week on 205. Neville says he wasn’t trying to get in his head, and it was nothing person as he’ll do what it takes to retain the Cruiserweight Championship. Perkins seems to buy his excuse and wishes him good luck in the main event.

Neville vs. Rich Swann

Akira Tozawa is standing ringside for this match. Neville starts out in control with a side headlock and tries to keep things grounded, but Swann fights back and hits a running dropkick and a headscissors takedown that sends the champ to the floor. Neville tries to beg off to get some breathing room, but Swann goes after him, only to get caught with a brutal double ax handle. The champion goes back to work, slowing things down again and keeping control of the pace. The fight up to the top rope and Neville is send crashing to the floor, as Swann follows up with a huge diving clearing the ropes to the outside. They roll back into the ring and the challenger goes for Rolling Thunder, getting a ton of elevation, but runs into the knees. Neville is done messing around, taking Swann to the floor and throwing him into the barricade several times, then into the commentary tables. After a few minutes Swann tries to fire back up, connecting with a great looking superkick, and the two start swinging away at each other with rights and lefts. More strikes from Rich Swann who gets the better of the exchange, and a flying lariat connects for two. He goes up top looking for the Phoenix Splash, but comes up empty and the champion quickly puts him in the Rings of Saturn for the submission victory. // Winner: Neville

The show goes off the air with the Cruiserweight Champion starring down Akira Tozawa, so it looks like that’s the next direction for the title.