WWE Backlash Results (5/21): Nakamura’s WWE In Ring Debut, Huge WWE Title Match, New Champion Crowned!!

Fandango hits an ax handle off the top. Jey tries a sunset flip but Fandango does a hip swivel and decks Jey. Jey knocks Breeze off the apron. When Breeze gets back on the apron he is dress like a grandmother with a gray wig. Fandango tags in Grandma Breeze. Jey kicks out Grandma Breeze’s cane. Breeze surprises Jey with a dropkick. Jimmy dropkicks Breeze. Running hip attack in the corner. Jimmy rips off Grandma Breeze’s dress and throws it out of the ring… it lands on JBL’s head. Jimmy tries to splash Breeze in the corner but Breeze moves out of the way. Breeze tags in Fandango. Fandango cleans house. Tornado DDT by Fandango for a near fall. Breeze and Fandango set up a double back suplex but Jey counters. The Usos hit a tandem backbreaker ax handle. Jey accidentally superkicks Jimmy. Breeze hits the unprettier. Jimmy kicks out. Breeze tries to hit a senton off the apron but Jimmy and Jey catch him and dump him over the barricade. Fandango dives over the top onto the Usos. Fandango goes up top for a leg drop but Jimmy grabs Fandango’s leg. Jey superkicks Fandango off the top. Jey pins Fandango.

Winners and STILL Smackdown Tag Team Champions, The Usos!