WWE Backlash Results (5/21): Nakamura’s WWE In Ring Debut, Huge WWE Title Match, New Champion Crowned!!

Ziggler calls for the superkick but Nakamura moves out of the way. ZigZag by Ziggler! Nakamura kicks out! Ziggler tries to piledrive Nakamura but Nakamura counters and hits an axe kick. Nakamura goes for the reverse exploder but Ziggler lands on his feet. Ziggler superkicks Nakamura in the back of the head. Nakamura still manages to kick out! Ziggler kicks Nakamura in the head over and over again. Ziggler spits in Nakamura’s face. Nakamura goes nuts and knees Ziggler over and over again. The referee pulls Nakamura off Ziggler multiple times. Nakamura lands a sliding knee to Ziggler’s head. Nakamura goes up top but he misses a tope rope Kinshasa. Ziggler misses a superkick, Nakamura elbows Ziggler in the back of the head, then hits the reverse exploder. Ziggler stumbles to his feet, turns around and gets obliterated by the Kinshasa! Ziggler is out. It’s over!

Winner- Shinsuke Nakamura

Smackdown Tag Team Title Match: The Usos (c) vs Breezango

Tyler Breeze is still dressed as a janitor. I guess he really was in too deep; he’s gone native!

The Usos laugh at Breeze and Fandango. Jimmy and Fandango start the match. Fandango takes Jimmy over with spinning head scissors. Breeze tags in and mops the ring. Jimmy is looking at him with a very, very confused look on his face. Jimmy charges in and Breeze moves out of the way. Jimmy crashes into the corner and then trips over the mop. Breeze wipes the mop into Jimmy’s face. Jimmy decks Breeze and breaks the mop. Jey tags in and goes up for a top rope splash. Breeze keeps rolling away from the corner. Jey goes to the opposite corner and Breeze rolls out of that corner. Jey tries to pick up Breeze but Breeze hits a leaping enziguri.
