WWE 205 Live Results (5/9): Gentlemen Jack’s Hometown Toast Turns London Riot, Brian Kendrick Faces Akira Tozawa & More

Rich Swann ran into Noam Darr and Alicia Fox backstage. He said he couldn’t believe they were still together after all that went down over the last few weeks. Fox said that she kicked Swann to the curb, just like she kicked Cedric Alexander to the curb, but that she would never leave a “real man” like Noam Darr. Swann rolled his eyes and feigned happiness for the couple, and when he tried to leave Darr grabbed him by the arm and said that they haven’t forgotten what he tried to do to them.


This was a really fun back and forth match that got a decent amount of time and let both guys show off. Ali controlled the early goings of the match with his speed, hitting some impressive moves. Nese rolled the floor to avoid a dive and tried to bail from the match, but got caught with a huge springboard senton taking them both out. Nese controlled the bulk of the action after that, using his size and strength to slow things down. He threw Ali hard into the barricade, then kicked him into the air, caught him on his shoulders, and slammed him into the post – impressive spot. The went back and forth for several minutes, culminating in a big spot where Ali countered a top rope powerbomb into a hurricanrana. He hit a step-up enzuigiri then rolled through the ropes into a neckbreaker. Nese rolled to the floor again, and Ali followed up with a suicide dive into the barricade, then connected with a top rope crossbody for two. They traded chops back and forth, then got personal with slaps. Nese did a kip-up to dodge a lariat, followed by a flurry of strikes and a double foot stomp for a nearfall. Ali dodged a pumphandle slam and threw him into the turnbuckles, then hit a wicked DDT flying off the second rope, followed by his imploding 450 splash for the pinfall. Winner: Mustafa Ali