WWE 205 Live Results: Neville vs Gentlemen Jack Gallagher, Cruiserweight Tag Team Match, Drew Gulak Declares a “No Fly Zone”

Mustafa Ali vs. Tony Nese

Drew Gulak comes down before the match and joins commentary, declaring this a “No Fly Zone”. As the match starts, Nese shows off his biceps. Ali takes him down flying all over the ring, doing several backflips and mocks his opponent while showing off his own, much smaller biceps. Nese takes him to the ground and starts stomping him in the corner, throwing right hands and elbows. Ali tried for a flip off the top rope but Nese caught him out of the air into a stalling suplex, and threw him hard into the ropes instead. Gulak is on commentary talking about how he wants to “rebrand” 205 Live into something more respectable. Ali hits a springboard bulldog to get himself back into the match. Nese dodges a kick in the corner, but runs into a variation on Whisper in the Wind off the top rope. Ali hits an enzuigiri from the apron and rolls through the ropes for a neckbreaker. Nese takes a breather on the floor, and Ali runs the apron and vaults over the ropes to take him out. He looks to finish off the match, but Drew Gulak pulls Nese from the ring to “save” him, forcing a DQ finish.

Winner by DQ: Tony Nese

Gulak congratulates Nese on his “victory” after the match, and acts like he accomplished something. Ali climbed to the top rope and hit a swanton bomb all the way to the floor to take out Gulak.


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