WWE Smackdown Results (4/25): Naomi Defends Women’s Title Against Charlotte, Beat the Clock Challenge, Jinder Mahal Makes a Statement

AJ Styles vs. Baron Corbin

United States Champion Kevin Owens is on commentary for this match.

The two lock up and trade holds, starting things slow, with Corbin barely getting the advantage because of his size. AJ gets caught up in the ropes and Corbin drops him to the floor with a huge kick, as we cut to a commercial. Kevin Owens is really going after Byron Saxton on commentary, trashing him every chance he gets while JBL kisses some ass. When we come back from commercial Corbin is dominating the match. He hits a huge backbreaker out of a chokeslam for a two-count. The big man takes him to the top rope, looking for a superplex, but Styles wriggles out of it and hits a Pele Kick and a series of stiff kicks to the side to chop him down to size. He sets up for the Clash, but Corbin gets in the ropes and clubs him in the back to break it up. Styles gets on the apron and Owens gets out of his seat, only to take a kick to the face. AJ goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Corbin ducks out of the way and tries for the End of Days; Styles counters through and rolls him up for the win!

Winner: AJ Styles

Kevin Owens and Baron Corbin immediately attack Styles, putting the boots to him in the middle of the ring. Sami Zayn’s music hits to a huge pop and the “Underdog from the Underground” runs out to make the save. He dumps the champ from the ring and hits the Helluva Kick on Corbin, but Owens lays him from behind. Owens leaves with his title as the babyfaces are left laying in the ring.