wwe hall of fame

WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony Coverage (3/31): DDP, Rick Rude, Kurt Angle and More Immortalized, Jim Cornette Speaks, Bischoff and More

Theodore Long-

Long asks the crowd to give him a holla, holla, holla. Long says he wants to give us the truth about a few of the stories the APA told while they were out here. When Long got pulled over with the APA in the car the Police officer said he smelled alcohol in the car. In the back of the car her hears Simmons says, “oh we have a bloodhound here?” After getting pulled out of the car he took a sobriety test, that he passed… but he still got a $200 ticket. Long says he somehow managed to get the APA to pay for the ticket. Long runs down all of the many jobs he had in the wrestling business. Long started to work for Vince as a referee. He heard that someone told Vince that he could talk. The first person Long managed was D’lo Brown. After Long cut his first promo Vince said to him that he had Long under his nose this whole time and had no idea. Long runs down the list of all of the people he managed and thanked them for their hard work. One day he went to a Smackdown taping and was told he was going to be the Smackdown GM. He was scared but he made it work. Long thanks everyone that believed in him over the years.

Jerry “The King” Lawler –

Lawler intros the 2017 legacy Hall of Fame:

Haystacks Calhoun

Judy Grable

Bearcat Wright

Farmer Burns


Luther Lindsey

June Byers

Toots Mondt

Dr. Jerry Graham