The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express wrestled many great opponents but the Batman needed the Joker and the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express needed the Midnight Express. As bad as the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express wanted to get over so did the Midnight Express. Every time they faced each other it was magic. Cornette says that when you beat down the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express people acted as if you were attacking their family. One particular family took family Christmas photos and brought them to the show to give to the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express. When Cornette looked at the photo there was a picture of Jesus hanging up in the background next to a picture of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express.
The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express-
Ricky Morton says he has no idea that Jimmy was going to come out and say good things about them. Robert Gibson says that he has no idea that this was going to happen, but when he got the call to be in the hall he got another call right after. He was told that he has two grandkids on the way! Morton says he has seven children and seven grandkids. Gibson says they all look just like him. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express call out a fan who would always go to WWE shows and hold up signs that say, “Rock ‘n’ Roll Express for the Hall of Fame”. Morton says that was actually him dressed as a fan. Morton says everything they have done is for the boys. Even though it is sports entertainment, it’s a sport. They didn’t think they could make it in the biz until they meet Jimmy Hart and Jerry Lawler. Morton says he wants to thank Superstar Bill Dundee and Jim ross for believing in them. Morton says the boys say he is the Gene Simmons of Wrestling. Morton says nah… Gene Simmons is the Ricky Morton of Rock and roll. Morton runs down a list of guys they watch come up in the biz. Morton and Gibson note that they wouldn’t be there without their nemesis’s, the Midnight Express. Hopefully, they will be on this stage soon. Morton says he has five blood brother but on this stage he has five. He wouldn’t change anything. Gibson is his brother and he thanks him for being his friend.