Impact Wrestling Results (3/30): Karen Jarrett Lays Down The Law, Moose Defends Against Cody, New Tag Champions Crowned, and Much More!

Sienna says she knows for a fact who told Karn these lies. It had to be that homewrecker, Allie. Sienna says she got to Impact by her own abilities, not because of who she married. Karen gets in Sienna’s face and says Sienna has no idea what she has gone through to get where she is. Karen adds that she is going to give Sienna a chance that she never had. Karen tells Sienna that she has 15 seconds to apologize. Sienna says or what. Unfamiliar music hits and a large man walks to the ring. Sienna is all smiles. KM says Karen needs to wipe that stupid smirk off her face. KM yells at Karen that she doesn’t have the right to disrespect his family (Sienna is his cousin apparently). KM says he is going to give Karen 15 seconds to apologize. Braxton Sutter and Allie hit the ring and make the save. Karen says she can see that disrespect runs in the family tree. Karen books KM vs Sutter for later tonight.

DJZ vs Andrew Everett

DJZ and Everett trade armbars. Neither can get and advantage. After a tackle dropdown spot, both men cartwheel to avoid each other. DJZ sends Everett tot he apron. Everett hits a springboard head scissors. DJZ sends Everett to the outside with an arm drag. DJZ hits a topé con hilo over the top onto Everett. DJZ s tosses Everett back into the ring. Top rope splash by DJZ for a two count. Everett and DJZ trade punches in the middle of the ring. Everett hits the ropes and runs right into a clothesline from DJZ. DJZ sends Everett into the corner, but Everett surprises DJZ with a springboard dropkick.
