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Infamous WWE Segment Celebrates Anniversary, Joey Janela Gets His ‘Spring Break’ Wish (Video), Rusev Gets A New Look

Who Booked This Sh*t?

Today marks the 17th anniversary of WWE’s infamous segment where WWE Hall of Famer Mae Young gave birth to a hand.

Young and her ‘son’ later made a memorable appearance on RAW 1000, greeting AJ Lee before her wedding to Daniel Bryan along with a number of other WWE legends.

Joey Janela’s Spring Break

The following video features a new promo for Joey Janela’s Spring Break over Wrestlemania weekend in Orlando.

Janela’s show, co promoted by Game Changer Wrestling of Howell, New Jersey, features Dan Severn versus Matt Riddle, the return of Glacier, Sami Callihan versus KTB and much more. Janela’s opponent for the show will be none other than Marty Jannetty. You can watch the promo for the match and event card below:

Handsome Rusev

Rusev noted on Instagram that he will be sporting a new look as he recently cut off his hair:

@archerythebarber it’s gone it’s all gone!!!!! And I like it

A post shared by Miroslav Barnyashev (@rusevig) on


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