NXT Takeover Result: DIY Defend Tag Team Titles Against the Authors of Pain


NXT Takeover: San Antonio
January 28, 2017

NXT Tag Team Title Match: #DIY (C) vs The Authors of Pain w/Paul Ellering

Rezar tries to attack Ciampa as soon as the bell rings, but Ciampa avoids him. Ciampa tries to take Rezar down with an armbar, but Rezar fights it off and almost powerbombs him. Rezar tries to powerbomb him again, but Ciampa rolls off Rezar’s shoulder and tags in Gargano. Gargano attempts his rope dive spear, but Rezar swats him like a fly. Ciampa and Akam get in the ring and a big brawl breaks out. Ciampa and Gargano clear the ring. Gargano hits a suicide dive. Ciampa takes out Akam with a running knee. Gargano sets up a dive, but Akam knocks him off the apron. Gargano ends up falling face first onto the barricade. Akam and Rezar take turns beating down Gargano. Akam locks in a Canadian backbreaker on Gargano. The Authors of Pain his a foot stomp/backbreaker combo on Gargano. Gargano ends up on the outside. Akam tries to clothesline Gargano on the outside, but Gargano ducks and Akam hits the ring post.

Gargano manages to tag in Ciampa. Ciampa lands a running knee on Akam. Rezar gets in the ring, but he ends up eating a running elbow from Ciampa. Ciampa German suplex Rezar, then Akum. Ciampa hits a sliding knee for a two count. Ciampa chops down Akam. Ciampa kicks Akam in the face over and over again. Ciampa hits the ropes and runs right into a clothesline. Ciampa sends Rezar over the top rope. Ciampa tags in Gargano. Gargano and Ciampa hit a tandem double spear through the ropes on Akam for a two count. Gargano and Ciampa sets up the double corner strike, but Akam moves out of the way and clotheslines Gargano. The AOP hit a  powerbomb neck breaker combo. The AOP call for the Last Chapter, but Gargano hits the ring and super kicks Rezar to break it up. Gargano and Ciampa lock in their submission holds on Akam and Rezar. Rezar picks up Gargano and slams him onto Ciampa to break up the submission attempt. All four competitors start to throw punches while still down. Ciampa hits a running knee as Gargano hits a superkick. Akam and Rezar both drop to their knees. Gargano and Ciampa attempt their finish, but both Akam and Rezar catch them and hit the Super Collider. The AOP hit the Last Chapter on Ciampa for the win.

Winners and NEW NXT Tag Team Champions, the Authors of Pain!


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