(Photo by: Rosalind O'Connor/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)

Canvas 2 Canvas: The Champ Is On The Canvas (Video), Update On the Rumors of Harley Race’s Declining Health

(Photo by: Rosalind O'Connor/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)
(Photo by: Rosalind O’Connor/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)

Canvas 2 Canvas

WWE has posted the following Canvas 2 Canvas video featuring John Cena. You can watch the video below:

Harley Race

There are some rumors swirling around the health of Harley Race. PWInsider is reporting that Race is currently in a nursing home and does need ongoing therapy because of his years wrestling. This is only temporary as his son Leland Race is beginning his first tour with New Japan Pro Wrestling.


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