Second Match: Kalisto vs. Oney Lorcan
Lorcan with a running uppercut to Kalisto in the corner after the bell rings. Lorcan stomps on Kalisto’s chest. L0rcan whips Kalisto sternum first into the turnbuckles. L0rcan follows that up with a running uppercut to the back of Kalisto’s neck. L0rcan connects with a half suplex for a two count.
Kalisto with a round house kick to L0rcan. Kalisto follows that up with a thrust kick to the midsection. Kalisto goes for a springboard corkscrew splash, but he trips on the middle rope. L0rcan goes for the pinfall, but Kalisto kicks out at the count of two. L0rcan with a more uppercut strikes to Kalisto. Kalisto plants L0rcan with the Salida Del Sol to pickup the victory.
Winner: Kalisto
Second SD 900 Retrospective Video:
We started at Episode 1 and 899 episodes later, #SDLive is STILL going strong! #SDLive900 @therock @tripleh @ShawnMichaels @shanemcmahon
— WWE (@WWE) November 16, 2016