Photo Credit: WWE

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Fifth Match: Bayley vs. Dana Brooke 

Brooke exits the ring immediately after the bell rings. Bayley chases Brooke around the ring. Bayley rams her shoulder to the gut of Brooke. Bayley with a stunner to Brooke from the ring apron. Bayley with a running bulldog to Brooke. Bayley whips Brooke in the corner. Bayley with a running clothesline to Brooke. Bayley bounces Brooke’s head repeatedly on the top turnbuckle. Brooke drops Bayley with a vicious forearm. Brooke sends Bayley shoulder first into the second turnbuckle. Brooke with a boot to the face of Bayley behind the referee’s back.

Brooke stomps on Bayley’s chest in the corner. Brooke applies a rear chin lock. Brooke with a hair whip to Bayley. Brooke goes back to the rear chin lock. Brooke throws Bayley into the corner. Bayley and Brooke are knocked down by a double clothesline. Bayley with a leg sweep into the ground and pound attack. Bayley drives Brooke into the corner. Bayley with a running corner back elbow. Brooke rolls out of the ring. Bayley with a wrecking ball dropkick to Brooke. Bayley rolls Brooke back into the ring. Brooke sends Bayley face first to the steel ring post. Brooke drags Bayley into the ring. Brooke scores the pinfall.

Winner: Dana Brooke