Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (10/17) – Goldberg Returns, Y2J vs Rollins, Rusev Sends A Message To Reigns, The End Of The Kevin and Chris Show?

Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens Backstage Segment: 

Owens apologizes for about coming to the ring. Jericho told him not to come to the ring and he was going to call him a stupid idiot. Owens is not someone you can put on the list or call a Stupid Idiot, he’s the WWE Universal Champion. Jericho reminds Owens that he’s a six-time World Heavyweight Champion and he’s not a lackey. Stephanie McMahon tells them to shut up. Rollins is trying to tear them apart. Stephanie mentions the challenge made by Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan for Survivor Series. She needs her two generals on the same page. They need to be smarter and stronger than anyone else.

Third Match: Sheamus w/Cesaro vs. Big E w/The New Day 

Cesaro is on Facebook Live using the hashtag #NotWatchingSheamus. Big E and Sheamus go to the collar and elbow tie up. Sheamus applies a side headlock. Big E drops Sheamus with a big back elbow. Sheamus connects with a german suplex. Sheamus with a running shoulder block to Big E in the corner. Sheamus follows that up with a running knee. Big E responds with a clothesline. Big E with a corner spear to Sheamus. Sheamus fires out of the corner with a leaping lariat. Sheamus with a series of uppercuts to Big E. Big E tosses Sheamus to the outside. Sheamus with a clubbing blow to the back of Big E. Sheamus goes for the Ten Beats to the chest of Big E, but Big E counters with a clothesline.

Big E with a  flying splash to Sheamus on the ring apron. Sheamus rolls out of the ring. Sheamus plants Big E with a rolling senton. Sheamus applies a wrist lock. Sheamus with a leaping knee strike to Big E in the corner. Sheamus ascends to the top rope. Sheamus goes for a flying double axe handle, but Big E catches Sheamus in mid-air. Big E with a series of over the head belly to belly suplex’s to Sheamus. Big E ducks a clothesline from Sheamus. Big E plants Sheamus with a side belly to belly suplex. Big E goes for another running splash, but Sheamus gets his knees up in the air. Sheamus with a rollup for a two count.

Sheamus follows that up with the Irish Curse Backbreaker for a two count. Sheamus goes for the White Noise, but Big E gets back on his feet. Big E plants Sheamus with a big powerbomb for a two count. Big E sets up for the Big Ending, but Sheamus rakes the eyes of Big E. Sheamus kicks Big E in the chest. Sheamus connects with White Noise for a two count. Cesaro is now bringing his Facebook Live video to the Cesaro Section. Sheamus with the Ten Beats to the chest of Big E. Sheamus knocks Big E off the ring apron. Sheamus begins to argue with Cesaro. Sheamus rolls Big E back into the ring. Sheamus takes the phone away from Cesaro. Sheamus is now on Facebook Live. Big E with a running splash to Sheamus in the corner. Big E rolls up Sheamus to pickup the victory.

Winner: Big E