Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (10/17) – Goldberg Returns, Y2J vs Rollins, Rusev Sends A Message To Reigns, The End Of The Kevin and Chris Show?

Coming out of the commercial break, Jericho goes for a running boot, but Rollins ducks out of the way. Jericho with a boot to the chest of Rollins. Jericho with a missile dropkick for a two count. Jericho goes to the rear chin lock. Rollins gets out of the hold and lands a knife edge chop. Rollins drops Jericho with a running knee. Rollins sends Jericho face first into the second turnbuckle. Rollins connects with the Slingblade for a two count. Rollins with a series of knife edge chops to Jericho. Jericho drops Rollins with a back elbow. Jericho with the LionSault for a two count.

Jericho goes for the Pedigree, but Rollins counters with a leaping knee strike. Rollins follows that up with the Falcon Arrow for a two count. Rollins ascends to the top rope, but Kevin Owens music hits. Jericho rolls out of the ring. Rollins with a flying crossbody onto Jericho on the outside. Rollins with a springboard knee strike. Owens comes down to the ring to distract Rollins who has Jericho in position for the Pedigree. Jericho gets Rollins in the Walls of Jericho. Rollins tries to reach the bottom rope, but Owens holds the bottom rope away from Rollins. Referee John Cone yells at Owens. Rollins goes for the Pedigree, but Jericho counters with a enziguri. Jericho goes for the Codebreaker, but Rollins counters with the Pedigree to pickup the victory.

Winner: Seth Rollins