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Eight Match: TJ Perkins, Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander vs. THE Brian Kendrick, Drew Gulak and Tony Nese 

Swann and Gulak starts things off. Gulak and Swann goes to the collar and elbow tie up. Gulak backs Swann into the ropes. Gulak slaps Swann. Gulak with a waist lock takedown and transitions into a front facelock. Swann ducks a clothesline from Gulak. Swann dropkicks Gulak. Swann tags in Alexander. Gulak with a elbow to the gut of Alexander. Gulak tags in Nese. Nese leapfrogs over Alexander. Alexander clotheslines Nese. Alexander tags in Perkins.

Perkins with a slingshot senton for a one count. Perkins gets Nese in a guillotine choke, but Nese counters with a Northern Lights Suplex for a one count. Nese tags in Kendrick. Perkins gets Kendrick in the knee bar, but Kendrick rolls out of the ring. Gulak drives his knee to the gut of Alexander. Alexander with a exploding enziguri to Gulak. Kendrick tags himself in.

Kendrick knocks Perkins off the ring apron. Alexander plants Kendrick with a big back bodydrop. Swann and Nese are tagged in. Swann ducks a clothesline from Nese. Swann with a big boot. Swann with a series of flying lariats to Nese. Swann connects with a leaping hurricanrana for a two count. Alexander with a springboard lariat to Gulak. Alexander clotheslines Kendrick over the top rope. Perkins connects with a wrecking ball dropkick to Gulak. Nese knocks Swann off the ring apron. Nese connects with the 450 Splash. Kendricks tags himself in. Kendrick gets Swann in the Captain’s Hook. Perkins tries to break up the submission attempt, but it was too late as Swann taps out.

Winner: THE Brian Kendrick, Drew Gulak and Tony Nese via Submission