Lucha Underground Results (10/12) – 3-Way Main Event, Sexy Star vs Jack Evans, Famous B In Action

Third Match: Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Pentagon Dark 

Pentagon shoves Guerrero. Mysterio with a hurricanrana to Guerrero. Mysterio with a springboard hurricanrana to Pentagon. Pentagon thrust kicks Mysterio in the gut. Guerrero stomps on Pentagon chest in the corner. Mysterio tosses Guerrero to the outside. Mysterio with a slingshot plancha onto Pentagon and Guerrero on the outside. Mysterio whips Guerrero back first into the barricade. Mysterio rolls Pentagon back into the ring. Mysterio connects with the seated senton. Mysterio follows that up with a springboard shoulder block for a two count. Guerrero grabs a steel chair.

Guerrero drags Mysterio out of the ring. Guerrero drops Mysterio with a big boot. Pentagon with a wrecking ball dropkick to Guerrero. Pentagon follows that up with a running boot to the back of Mysterio. Pentagon tells the camera man that he has zero fear. Pentagon with a vicious kick to the hamstring of Mysterio. Pentagon brings the steel chair into the ring. Pentagon wedges the chair in the corner. Guerrero with a drop toe hold that sends Pentagon face first into the steel chair in the corner. Mysterio with a victory roll to Guerrero for a two count. Guerrero whips Mysterio sternum first into the turnbuckles.


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