Ryan Satin & Eric Bischoff Discuss The Skepticism Around Del Rio’s Story That He Was Assaulted With A Knife

The latest episode of Bischoff on Wrestling was released earlier tonight and featured an exclusive interview with former TMZ Senior Producer and ProWrestlingSheet.com Editor-in-Chief Ryan Satin.

During Ryan’s appearance he discusses with Eric the skepticism around Alberto Del Rio’s story that he was assaulted by a guy who had a knife causing him to miss a Triple A show. His comments begin at the nine minute mark in the embedded audio player above.

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On the skepticism around Alberto Del Rio’s story that he was assaulted by a guy who had a knife causing him to miss a Triple A show:

RS: This week we had Alberto Del Rio saying that he missed the Triple A show because he got assaulted by a guy who had a knife. It’s a crazy story. It’s been on every website. I put it on my website just based on what he claims happened. Then a day later MLW put out a report with a few more details. They are very tight with Alberto Del Rio. They mentioned that he told them that he was in San Antonio, TX and that the police came to the scene after this knife attack and that he filed a police report. That there were witnesses and this whole big story. It’s a crazy story and it’s totally possible that it is true. I’m not saying that it’s not true but I called the San Antonio police department today. I talked to someone over there and I was like begging them saying, “I don’t have an address but I am just wondering if you had ANY people who reported that they were stabbed over the weekend by someone who had a knife.” Or that they were cut a bunch of times by someone who had a knife. I sat there on the phone with the person and she looked through the entire log and was like, “Nope, I don’t see any reports filed over the weekend by someone who said they were attacked by someone outside of a restaurant.” So, now, part of his story doesn’t quite match up. All day I’ve been working on this. Obviously I don’t have the answer yet but it’s things like this where I feel like all the other wrestling websites are content with just putting it up like, “Ok, it’s fine, it’s done.” I want to know what happened. I want to know the truth of what’s going on. I just feel like something doesn’t quite add up here.

EB: Yeah, I noticed that too when I read the story this morning. There was a statement and I’m not sure if it was produced by Alberto Del Rio or someone representing him but there was a lot of information not in that press release. Like what city he was in. There was no police report. I did notice there were some pictures which was a little interesting…

RS: Those pictures look odd. You’ve gotta say. I don’t know if it’s true or not but those pictures… they look odd to me. It’s like there are these lines. Let’s say you got in to a knife fight with someone. I feel like you wouldn’t have five straight lines in a row on your arm. I feel like it would look much different but I don’t know. I’m not a doctor and I’ve never been in a knife fight.

Related: Conflicting Report on Alleged Alberto Del Rio Knife Fight

This week’s show kicks off with Eric talking about the time he spent this past weekend with Mick Foley.

Eric and his co-host Nick Hausman then dive in to some top news stories in their “The Business of Professional Wrestling” segment including:

  • Reports that TNA’s video library has been sold to WWE while the majority ownership has been sold to Billy Corgan
  • The celebrity athletes and entertainers that have joined the UFC buyer’s group
  • More…

Eric & Nick then welcome former TMZ Senior Producer and ProWrestlingSheet.com Editor-in-Chief Ryan Satin. During Ryan’s appearance they discuss:

  • Ryan’s time at TMZ and what he learned about the way he wanted to cover the pro wrestling business
  • What Ryan has learned about Alberto Del Rio’s alleged stabbing incident in San Antonio
  • Jamie Noble’s recent knife fight of his own and Eric’s memories of working with Jamie
  • Whether or not Eric thinks a Goldberg return is a good idea
  • Halle Berry’s rep disputing Ric Flair’s story that she “rode Space Mountain”
  • If the Hogan-Gawker situation affected the way TMZ did business
  • More…

He then answers some questions from fans that were submitted on Twitter using the hashtag #BischoffOnWrestling

This episode of Bischoff on Wrestling is brought you by:

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You can listen to the full archives from Bischoff on Wrestling in the embedded audio player below:


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