TNA Bound for Glory Results (10/2) – Lashley vs EC3, The Great War, Cody’s TNA Debut, Kim Inducted, Three New Champions Crowned, More!

DJZ connects with a springboard hurricanrana. DJZ with a running back elbow to Lee. DJZ leapfrogs over Lee. DJZ connects with a springboard back elbow. DJZ goes for the ZDT, but Lee rolls out of the ring. DJZ drops Lee with a somersault plancha. Lee responds with a suicide dive. DJZ one up’s Lee with a slingshot plancha. DJZ goes back to the top rope.

Lee plants DJZ with a rolling powerslam for a two count. Lee goes for a deadlift german suplex, but DJZ counters with a series of back elbows. DJZ plants Lee with a reverse hurricanrana. Lee connects with a deadlift german suplex for a two count. Lee goes for the fisherman’s brain buster, but DJZ blocks it. DJZ goes for the ZDT, but Lee counters with a leaping double stomp to the chest of DJZ for a two count. Lee goes for a discus lariat, but DJZ counters with the Canadian Destroyer. DJZ drops Lee with the ZDT to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still TNA X-Division Champion DJ Zema Ion