TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/29) Lethal LockDown: Team EC3 vs. Team Lashley, Laurel Van Ness’s In-Ring Debut

– We get a video package for The Decay/The Hardy’s match at Bound for Glory. “THE GREAT WAR” for the TNA World Tag Team Championship. Abyss says that the great war will be beautiful. Rosemary talks about her match with Reby Hardy. Rosemary says that Reby is like her mother and she will DECAY!!

Third Match: Rosemary w/The Decay vs. Reby Hardy w/Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero

Reby spears Rosemary immediately as the bell rings. Reby goes to the ground and pound attack. Reby bounces Rosemary’s head repeatedly on the top turnbuckle. Rosemary with a back elbow to the gut of Reby. Rosemary clotheslines Reby. Rosemary goes to the ground and pound attack. Rosemary chokes Reby. Rosemary licks the face of Reby. The Decay taunts Reby from the outside. Rosemary drives her knee to the gut of Reby. Reby with a spinning heel kick to Rosemary in the corner.

Reby with a roll through into a buzzsaw kick to the chest of Rosemary. Reby with a series of forearms to Rosemary. Reby drops Rosemary with the Twist of Fate. Crazy Steve hops on the ring apron to distract the referee. Rosemary spits mist in Reby’s eyes to cause disqualification. The Hardy’s and The Decay begin to brawl on the outside. Rosemary grabs a table from under the ring. Brother Nero and Crazy Steve battle in the production area of the Impact Zone. Brother Nero throws a chair to the back of Crazy Steve. Reby and Rosemary battles on the ring apron. Rosemary with a Side Effect that sends Reby crashing through the table on the outside.

Winner: Reby via Disqualification