WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE SmackDown Results (9/27) – Styles vs Ambrose, Miz’s Homecoming, Bray Faces His Fear!

First Match: The American Alpha, Heath Slater and Rhyno vs. The Usos & The Ascension 

Jordan and Jimmy starts off this match. Jordan with a series of side belly to belly takedowns. Jordan tags in Gable. Jordan with a hip toss. Gable works on the left arm of Jimmy. Gable tags Jordan back in. Jimmy lands a knife edge chop. Jimmy whips Jordan into the corner. Jordan with a back elbow to Jimmy. Jordan with a slam for a one count. Jordan applies an armbar. Jimmy backs Jordan into the corner. Jimmy tags in Jey. The Usos goes for a double team hip toss, but Jordan gets back on his feet. Jordan tags in Gable. American Alpha drops The Usos with a monkey flip’s in stereo.

Gable gets Jey in an armbar. Jey rolls out of the ring. Gable with a series of forearms to Jimmy. Jey with a chop block to the knee of Gable. Viktor drives Gable into the corner. Viktor tags in Konnor. The Ascension works on the leg of Gable. Konnor tags in Jimmy. Jimmy with a series of right hands to Gable in the corner. Jimmy goes for the running stinkface, but Gable ducks out of the way. Gable tosses Viktor to the outside. Gable sends Konnor shoulder first into the steel ring post.

The Ascension knocks Jordan off the ring apron. Konnor whips Jordan back first into the barricade. Rhyno with a flying shoulder block off the ring apron onto Viktor. Rhyno with a falling lariat to Konnor. Slater and Jey are tagged in. Slater with a single leg lariat to Jey. Slater follows that up with a neckbreaker for a two count. Rhyno with a side belly to belly suplex to Konnor. Viktor with a spinning european uppercut. Jordan clotheslines himself and Viktor over the top rope. Slater with a O’Connor Roll and Jey tags in Jimmy. Jimmy with a big boot to Slater. Jey with a diving stomp to the back of Slater’s knee. Jimmy gets Slater trapped in the Tequila Sunrise and Slater taps out.

Winner: The Usos & The Ascension via Submission