WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE SmackDown Results (9/27) – Styles vs Ambrose, Miz’s Homecoming, Bray Faces His Fear!

Ambrose with a flying elbow drop off the top rope for a two count. Ambrose connects with a big right hand and Styles is sent crashing to the outside. Ambrose goes for a slingshot crossbody, but Styles ducks out of the way. Styles with a running knee strike on the ring apron. Styles with a right hand to Cena. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Ambrose ducks out of the way.

Cena hops on the ring apron, but referee Charles Robinson holds him back. Ambrose goes for the O’Connor roll, but the referee is distracted. Ambrose goes out of the ring and drops Cena with a big haymaker. Styles with a O’Connor roll to pickup the victory. After the match Cena and Ambrose get in each other’s faces. Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds, but Cena counters with the Attitude Adjustment. Styles tries to plants Cena with the Attitude Adjustment, but Styles is laid out by another Attitude Adjustment from Cena.

Winner: Still WWE World Champion AJ Styles 

Thank you guy’s so much for checking out our coverage of this week’s SmackDown Live. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums.

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Check out Episode 23 of the Josh Lopez Wrestling Podcast. Will review this past Sunday’s WWE Clash of Champions, Reality Check on WWE Monday Night Raw, This week’s SmackDown Live, Ryback in MMA and so much more.

Josh Lopez Wrestling Podcast Episode 23


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