WWE Clash of Champions Results (9/25) – Owens vs Rollins, New Champion Crowned, Bayley/Charlotte/Sasha, More

Sami Zayn Interview: 

Zayn said the highlights of his career were winning the NXT championship, wrestling at WrestleMania and beating Kevin Owens at Battleground. Zayn’s best moment will be when he one day he wins the Universal title and hopefully, from Owens.

He was asked how it feels to have fans singing his theme music. He said he considers himself a musical person and noted that fans have sang his song his entire career with Ole Ole Ole and now they sign his current theme. Zayn likes having a song stuck in his head and he hopes he can be the song stuck in others’ heads. Zayn wants the old Chris Jericho tonight.

WWE Clash of Champions Kickoff Match: Alicia Fox vs. Nia Jax 

Fox with a running dropkick as the bell rings. Fox with a series of rapid fire kicks to the leg of Jax. Jax drives Fox into the corner. Fox goes for a sunset flip, but Jax sends her spine first into the turnbuckles. Jax kicks Fox in the back. Jax run’s through Fox in the corner. Jax launches Fox to the other side of the ring. Fox kicks Jax in the gut. Jax applies an half nelson chin lock.

Jax continues to wear down Fox with the half nelson chin lock. Fox kicks Jax in the face. Fox with a back elbow. Fox with a series of forearms to Jax. Fox connects with a leaping knee strike. Jax sends Fox to the ring apron. Fox connects with a stunner from the ring apron. Fox ascends to the top rope. Fox with a flying crossbody for a one count. Fox follows that up with the Scissors Kick for a two count. Jax with a running splash to Fox. Jax connects with the corner stinkface. Jax plants Fox with a Samoan Drop to pickup the victory.

Winner: Nia Jax