Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (9/12) – Reigns vs Owens, Sami Zayn On The Highlight Reel, Sheamus/Cesaro V

First Match: Sasha Banks vs. Bayley vs. Dana Brooke in a Triple Threat Match to Determine The Number One Contender To The WWE Women’s Championship 

Charlotte joins the commentary team for this match. Brooke shoves Bayley into the ropes. Brooke slaps Sasha. Brooke goes to the ground and pound attack. Brooke with a big boot that knocks Bayley off the ring apron. Sasha works on Brooke in the corner. Sasha lands a vicious slap to the chest of Brooke for a two count. Bayley rolls Brooke up for a two count. Bayley bounces Brooke’s head on the top turnbuckle. Brooke drives her boot to the gut of Bayley. Bayley sends Brooke into the corner. Bayley with a leaping lariat for a two count. Bayley follows that up with a knee drop for a two count. Bayley gets Brooke tied in an armbar. Bayley continues to work on the wrist of Brooke.

Bayley with a deep arm drag takedown into an armbar. Sasha drags Brooke out of the ring. Sasha and Bayley have a stare off. Bayley and Sasha knocks Brooke off the ring apron.Brooke with a leg sweep that sends Sasha crashing to the outside. Brooke drives Sasha back first into the ring apron. Brooke gets Sasha in a bow and arrow stretch. Sasha with a sunset flip for a two count. Sasha with a series of forearms to Brooke. Sasha gets Brooke and Bayley tied in the tree of woe. Sasha with a double knees to Brooke, but Bayley rolls out of the way.

Bayley connects with the flying crossbody to Sasha for a two count. Brooke drops Bayley and Sasha with a double clothesline for a two count. Brooke sends Sasha back first into the turnbuckles. Brooke places Bayley on the top rope. Sasha plants Brooke and Bayley with the Tower of Doom for a two count. Sasha with a series of flying lariats to Brooke. Sasha connects with a dropkick. Sasha goes for the Backstabber, but Brooke holds onto the ropes. Sasha gets Brooke trapped in the Bank Statement, but Bayley breaks up the submission attempt. Bayley plants Brooke with the Bayley to Belly Suplex for a two count as Sasha breaks up the pin attempt. Sasha rolls Bayley up to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Sasha Banks