As noted, Aaron Stevens, formerly known as Damien Sandow in WWE, made his TNA Impact Wrestling debut tonight and will be known as ‘Aron Rex’.
Related: Damien Sandow’s TNA Ring Name Revealed, Photo of His Impact Wrestling Debut Included
Rex made his debut by cutting a promo, talking about Impact Wrestling giving him a chance, and doing what people were afraid to do, and that’s give him a live mic. You can read a summary below from our exclusive live coverage of tonight’s show by Lovell Porter, as well as watch a highlight clip below:
Aron Rex says Impact Wrestling officials have done what some people were afraid to do: give him a mic on live TV. He isn’t here to talk about brass rings or glass ceilings. He has come out here, to tell the truth. For those who used to employee him, they shouldn’t worry this isn’t about them. This is about the people who support him. It’s about the fans. Since he has the mentality that it is about his fans, he has been told over and over again that he is too entertaining to compete for world titles. No matter what any authority figure, CEO, or shareholder may say, it’s all about the fans. TNA is the proving ground where talent can succeed based on talent alone. If you don’t believe him, look in the back at people like Bobby Lashley, EC3, Drew Galloway, and a guy named Brother Nero. As of right now, he is doing it his way. As of today, he will be known as Aron Rex.
Click here for complete coverage from tonight’s show.
@ImpactWrestling got the man, the myth, the legend @AronRexTNA on the roster! #ImpactOnPop pic.twitter.com/VsNr5k4AYe
— Whipclip (@whipclip) August 12, 2016